Kyle Thiermann
The Kyle Thiermann Show
#129 The Inertia Editor - Zach Weisberg

#129 The Inertia Editor - Zach Weisberg

Zach Weisberg is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of The Inertia. A former editor at SURFER Magazine, Weisberg's work has been featured in The New York Times, Esquire, Forbes, Nylon, The Surfer's Journal, O, The Oprah Magazine, Duke Magazine, The Huffington Post, and many other publications. Based in Venice, CA, Weisberg recently completed his MBA at USC Marshall School of Business.

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Music: Kut U Up

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Kyle Thiermann
The Kyle Thiermann Show
As a professional big wave surfer and writer, Kyle Thiermann is a conduit between athletes and intellectuals. If you're new here, try starting with #96 Albee Layer, #139 Matt Taibbi, #157 Peter Attia, #206 Chris Ryan, #216 Rick Hanson, #233 Steve Rinella, or #340 Mark Healey.